Pattern/Grid Tiling
Dual Wall Pipe Installation (up to 24″)
GPS Topography Design
Fence Row/Brush Cleanup




Building Pads
Storm Drain

Welcome to H&M Drainage
and Excavating

We are committed to serving your needs in the drainage & excavating world, whether they be large agricultural operations or improvements to your home’s backyard. Our vision begins with quality and dedication. A job worth doing is worth doing well! As farmers ourselves, we know how important your farm is to you and the need to get the most out of every acre. It will cost you the same to go across a wet acre as a dry acre, but the wet acre will not produce like the dry acre! We believe the key to being successful starts here with this simple truth:

We are your trusted partners in the realm of drainage and excavation. We would be honored and delighted to look at your project and help you not only reach your goals but to exceed your expectations! Our journey begins with an unwavering focus on quality and an unyielding dedication to excellence. We believe that any task worth undertaking deserves to be executed with precision, care, and enthusiasm. As fellow farmers, we intimately understand the profound importance of your land and the imperative to maximize its potential. After all, it costs the same to go across a wet acre as it does a dry acre, but the outcome tells the true story! It is our desire and joy to help you bring profitability to your operation today and value to the land that has been entrusted to you, and your generations.

“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” – Colossians 3:17

Better Drainage = Better yields = More Money In YOUR pocket

This becomes clear through the quality of our work. Call or email us today and give us the opportunity to make a difference for you!


Our Story

Having been born and raised on a farm and then working for an excavating contractor prior to starting our own company, we can proudly say we have worked with dirt all our life. With over 25 years of experience, we bring valuable knowledge to the most challenging projects. From early on, we have been committed to providing our customers with the best quality material and service. We utilize GPS/RTK equipment to improve the accuracy and efficiency of our work. We have a Buckeye 7200 wheel machine that we use to put in mains and dual wall pipe. We have an Inter-Drain 2030 self-propelled plow that we use to install laterals when we do a pattern tile system. The plow is equipped with an onboard reel and carries the tile as it is being installed, thus eliminating another trip across the field. We have chosen track machines to minimize compaction and they offer greater stability on uneven terrain.

“Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome.”
-Arthur Ashe

Benefits of Drainage

List via Springfield Plastics, inc. with data from The Ohio State University and the U.S.D.A

  1. Better soil aeration results from good drainage. This permits deeper and more extensive root development and a more favorable environment for beneficial soil microorganisms and earthworms.
  2. Better soil moisture conditions with good drainage permit more timely operation of tillage, planting, and harvesting equipment. There is less chance of destroying soil tilth due to working soil when it is too wet.
  3. Longer growing seasons can be achieved with good drainage due to earlier possible planting dates. Planting delays normally result in 1 to 2 percent decrease in yield for each day of delay. Well drained fields allow you to begin planting 7 to 15 days earlier, and allow you to complete fall tillage programs later in the year.
  4. An increased supply of nitrogen can be obtained from the soil where water tables are lowered by a drainage system. This can reduce your nitrogen fertilizer application.
  5. Soils warm more quickly in the spring when free water is removed by a drainage system. This reduces the likelihood of planting delays or seeds rotting before germination.
  6. Certain toxic substances and disease organisms are removed from the soil due to better drainage and better aeration.
  7. Soil erosion can be reduced on a well-drained soil by increasing its capacity to hold rainfall, resulting in less runoff.
  8. Deeper root development enables plants to better withstand summer droughts. Roots usually penetrate to within 15 inches of the water table. High water tables in the spring due to poor drainage cause shallow root development and a smaller soil volume from which plants can obtain moisture and nutrients.
  9. Increased crop yields and improved crop quality result from favorable soil moisture conditions with good drainage.